#StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait – June 08, 2021

Thursday 06/10/2021


1. .@NATOCanada @rpatricktravers @Rob_Oliphant @FAOAfrica @IFADPresident @KenyaMissionUN According to @UNReliefChief, to stop a famine in Tigray, then Eritreans, “who are responsible for a lot of this need to withdraw.” #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://apnews.com/article/united-nations-africa-ethiopia-famine-business-242450fa4a93719809688f83ecb9b2ac

2. .@JustinTrudeau @NATOCanada @LindaT_G @FAOAfrica “That’s the worst famine problem the world has seen for a decade. There is now a risk of a loss of life running into the hundreds of thousands or worse.” -@UNReliefChief #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/6/5/un-warns-famine-imminent-in-ethiopias-embattled-tigray-region

3. .@NATOCanada @VietNam_UN @SVG_UN The famine cannot end until the Amhara militia & Eritrean forces withdraw from Tigray. “We are civilians, our crops and cattle have been taken by the armed men.” – Tigrayan farmers #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57397901

4. Farmers in Tigray need protection. The Eritrean & Amhara “anti-farming ‘campaign” has created a full-blown famine. #TigrayCantWait & Tigrayan farmers certainly can’t! ACT NOW! @UNPeacekeeping @irishmissionun @NorwayUN #StopStarvingTigray https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/eye-on-africa/20210511-tigray-risks-starvation-as-anti-farming-campaign-underway-claims-official-eye-on-africa

5. “A deliberate “campaign” to prevent farming is unfolding” in Tigray. The @UN must ACT NOW to protect Tigrayan farmers & to stop an imminent famine. #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait @antonioguterres @DicarloRosemary @mbachelet @Haavisto https://www.trtworld.com/africa/tigray-official-warns-of-starvation-threats-from-anti-farming-campaign-46629

6. Tigray is not starving. Tigray is DELIBERATELY BEING STARVED! @UN must ACT NOW to protect Tigrayan farmers & END THE FAMINE! #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait @antonioguterres @mbachelet @UNPeacekeeping @EstoniaUN @KenyaMissionUN @UKUN_NewYork https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57397901

7. “There is a campaign that has been started to prevent farming.” @UN ACT NOW TO protect Tigrayan farmers & to stop an imminent famine. @antonioguterres @DicarloRosemary @UNPeacekeeping @EstoniaUN @MexOnu #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://news.yahoo.com/anti-farming-campaign-underway-tigray-113539985.html

8. .@NATOCanada @PmTunisia @Niger_ONU @VietNam_UN @franceonu Les forces érythréennes et amhara bloquent l’acheminement de l’aide alimentaire : «…les parties au conflit limitent l’accès à la nourriture » -@UNReliefChief #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/05/27/l-onu-alerte-a-nouveau-sur-un-risque-de-famine-au-tigre-en-ethiopie_6081617_3212.html

9. Savez-vous que le peuple Tigréen ne recevra jamais cette aide alimentaire? Les envois sont volés ou empêchée d’atteindre la population par les forces érythréennes et amhara. #StopStarvingTigray @franceonu @PmTunisia @Niger_ONU @NATOCanada https://twitter.com/WFP_Ethiopia/status/1392445489480622083?s=20

10. Au Tigré, les forces érythréennes et amhara brûlent les récoltes, les maisons et les fermes. «…des stocks récoltés ont été délibérément brûlés par les belligérants. » #StopStarvingTigray @NATOCanada @PmTunisia @Niger_ONU @VietNam_UN @franceonu https://www.lapresse.ca/international/afrique/2021-04-17/guerre-au-tigre/massacres-a-huis-clos.php


1. Plus de 90% des produits agricoles ont été brûlés et ont péri avant la récolte. La destruction de l’agriculture comme instrument pour affamer le Tigray! @NATOCanada @BelgiumNATO @EU_Commission @EmmanuelMacron @franceonu #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://lecourrier.ch/2021/05/26/risque-de-famine-au-tigre/

2. Nous avons plaidé auprès du #UNSC pour qu’il n’ignore pas la famine au Tigray. Les dirigeants doivent remettre le secteur agricole sur les rails. La famine est là! @ONU_fr @Niger_ONU @PmTunisia @RaoufMazou @EUCouncil #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/afrique/erythree/ethiopie-la-population-du-tigre-plus-de-cinq-millions-d-habitants-au-bord-de-la-famine_4649355.html

3. Les troupes d’invasion interdisent le transport des graines nécessaires pour les plantations. Nous avons besoin d’une intervention humanitaire. Des mio de personnes meurent de faim. @RaoufMazou @pnudfr @EU_Commission #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/afrique/erythree/ethiopie-la-population-du-tigre-plus-de-cinq-millions-d-habitants-au-bord-de-la-famine_4649355.html

4. Les habitants du Tigray dépendent fortement de l’agriculture pour leur subsistance. Le pillage & la destruction intentionnels du bétail, des cultures et des équipements agricoles provoquent la famine. Merci d’intervenir. @UNGeneva @Niger_ONU @NorwayUN https://bit.ly/3wazE2m

5. La famine de masse est utilisé comme moyen de guerre. L’armement de la faim est un crime de guerre et doit être traité comme tel. @EmmanuelMacron @EstoniaUN @SVG_UN @Europarl_EN @IFADfrancais @hrw @JustinTrudeau #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20210517-éthiopie-massacres-et-désastre-humanitaire-au-tigré

6. 5,2 millions de civils au Tigray risquent de mourir de faim. “Nos récoltes et notre bétail ont été pris par les hommes armés”, a déclaré un agriculteur de 60 ans. Les troupes d’invasion doivent partir. @franceonu @UNGeneva @UNPeacekeeping #TigrayCantWait https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/photographie/reportage-lethiopie-traverse-une-crise-humanitaire-sans-precedent

7. Les #Tigréens observent avec crainte l’épuisement de leurs réserves alimentaires. Il manque de semences et d’engrais pour les plantations. Tout bloqués par les troupes érythréennes.L’armement de la famine est un crime de guerre. @EU_Commission #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray

8. Les soldats d’????????+d’???????? provoquent délibérément la famine en détruisant les récoltes, en pillant et en bloquant l’aide.Les gens meurent de faim parce que vous n’intervenez pas @UNGeneva @JosepBorrellF @FAO @JustinTrudeau #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray https://news-24.fr/lonu-avertit-que-tigray-est-confronte-a-un-risque-de-famine-si-laide-nest-pas-augmentee/

9. Demandez une investigation sur les atrocités des soldats ????????ns qui pillent l’aide alimentaire, brûlent les cultures et empêchent les #Tigréens de cultiver leur terre. La crise alimentaire est là! @NATOCanada @BelgiumNATO #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray https://bit.ly/3xdEj3H

10. La situation humanitaire se détériore dans le #Tigray, car les soldats de l’Éthiopie+de l’Érythrée +les milices de l’Amhara bloquent les semences et les engrais des agriculteurs. @EU_Commission @BelgiumNATO @RaoufMazou #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/un-famine-is-imminent-in-ethiopias-embattled-tigray-region/2021/06/05/9c23ea0c-c5c3-11eb-89a4-b7ae22aa193e_story.html

Wednesday 06/09/2021

US – English

1. An anti-farming campaign is in effect in Tigray. Invading troops are prohibiting the transportation of seeds needed for the current harvest. We need a humanitarian intervention before millions die. #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray @USAmbUN @USNATO https://news.yahoo.com/anti-farming-campaign-underway-tigray-113539985.html

2. A man-made famine is looming in Tigray because invading forces have not left. Farmers cannot cultivate their land, and now children are starving.Tigray deserves your immediate action, today. #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray @KenyaMissionUN @Niger_ONU https://apnews.com/article/united-nations-africa-ethiopia-famine-business-242450fa4a93719809688f83ecb9b2ac

3. We have been pleading with the @UN Security Council to not ignore weaponized starvation in Tigray. It is critical that leaders help get the agriculture sector back on track, before a man-made famine takes countless lives. #TigrayCantWait @FAODG @ASteiner https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/ethiopia-grave-humanitarian-crisis-unfolding-never-saw-hell-before-now-have

4. The @G7 was designed to help resolve global issues. How are you looking to resolve the Intl. pleas to #StopStarvingTigray? The famine of the 80s should have taught leaders not to act when it’s too late. @JoeBiden @CharlesMichel @amerkel57 @sugawitter pic.twitter.com/Q1Uc8yGVBW

5. The people of Tigray depend heavily  on farming for their livelihood. The intentional looting & destruction of livestock; burning of homes, crops, & farming equipment has left them starving. Concern is appreciated but ACTION is what’s needed. 

@UNReliefChief @JanezLenarcic

6. The @UN is failing Tigray, so we call on @NATO for a humanitarian intervention to stop the #TigrayGenocide. The weaponization of food will cause millions to perish. We need a confirmed withdrawal of Eritrean troops. @jensstoltenberg #TigrayCantWait

7. Agriculture in Tigray provides livelihood for about 80% of the population, but it has been completely devastated by the war.  Farmers could not  harvest their crops because Eritrean & Ethiopian troops savagely burned them. @FAO @IFAD @hrw @UNOCHA #StopStarvingTigray

8. The devastation caused on the agriculture sector in Tigray is clearly an act of inflicting famine on the population. Starvation war crimes must not only be condemned but action must be taken to stop them. #TigrayCantWait @USAmbUN @SecYellen https://apnews.com/article/united-nations-africa-ethiopia-famine-business-242450fa4a93719809688f83ecb9b2ac

9. In the 70s and 80s, Tigray was systematically starved by the govt. How can you let this happen again? It is highly critical that Eritrean & Ethiopian troops leave Tigray. The mass destruction must stop. #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray @SecBlinken pic.twitter.com/yhyhIhHqdt

10. Four of Araya Gebretekle’s sons were executed while harvesting in their fields in west Tigray. They begged for their lives, still they were shot dead with no mercy. Ethiopia is investing in war & famine with @WorldBank’s help. @SecYellen #TigrayCantWait https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/ethiopia-grave-humanitarian-crisis-unfolding-never-saw-hell-before-now-have

11. Tigray faces an imminent famine as the Ethiopian government employs a scorched earth policy, as part of its genocidal war on Tigray. People are suffering badly. When will you use your power to stop this? @antonioguterres @DicarloRosemary#TigrayCantWaithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhKISOm6kVs

12. .@SebastienNemeth from @RFI reported on how Eritrean troops are weaponizing food. They are terrorizing farmers. Troops destroy crops and slaughter their livestock to feed themselves, while starving the people. Invading troops must be removed. @USAmbNATO https://emnetnegash.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/in-tigray-the-farmers-are-the-first-victims-of-a-conflict-that-is-lasting/

13. .@RFI: “In many parts of Tigray, farmers have been killed, their equipment broken, their livestock eaten or stolen.” People cannot thrive with the threat of invading forces present. This is a Genocide. They must withdraw! #TigrayCantWait @USAmbUN @hrw https://emnetnegash.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/in-tigray-the-farmers-are-the-first-victims-of-a-conflict-that-is-lasting/

14. Invading forces are attacking remote villages. They are systematically starving tribes like the Irob & Kunama by the burning of homes, crops & farming tools. @UN, when will you exercise your Responsibility to Protect? #TigrayCantWait @mbachelet @UNICEF https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/4/tiny-ethnic-group-fears-extinction-as-tigray-war-enters-6th-month

15. The @UN Resolution 2417 condemns the starving of civilians as a method of warfare. So how can you as appointed leaders in the human rights sector fail humanity? Your complicity is violence. #StopStarvingTigray@antonioguterres @CNSozi @ahunnaeziakonwahttps://www.un.org/press/en/2018/sc13354.doc.htm

16. An anti-farming policy has been orchestrated by Amhara militias, Ethiopian & Eritrean forces as an extension of their genocidal campaign on Tigray. Famine is imminent. When will you do enough to #StopStarvingTigray? @UNPeacekeeping @SVG_UN @franceonuhttps://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/eye-on-africa/20210511-tigray-risks-starvation-as-anti-farming-campaign-underway-claims-official-eye-on-africa

17. “Death is knocking on our door. You can see the hunger on the face of each of us.” 7 months into #TigrayGenocide, @antonioguterres warns of famine but Tigrayans are already dying of starvation. Please ACT NOW to #StopStarvingTigray. @USAID @UNDRR https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57397901

18. Tigray farmers are losing land, livestock, equipment, homes, & lives. This targeted attack is more than malicious-it is genocidal. We demand that @StateDept @UN recognize this attempt to wipe Tigray from existence & stop @AbiyAhmedAli’s manufactured famine. #StopStarvingTigray

19. Tigray has been under siege for >7 months. Millions starve and are in need of immediate humanitarian aid. Meanwhile @AbiyAhmedAli is continuing his campaign of weaponized starvation. We demand immediate intervention to #StopStarvingTigray @EU_Commission @NATORomeroC

20. Tigray farmers have supported their families & region for generations. Now Amhara militia, along with Ethio & Eritrean forces are ransacking farms, equipment, & resources to starve Tigray. We call on @StateDept & @NATO to acknowledge & intervene. #StopStarvingTigray

21. Survivors of ethnic cleansing in Western Tigray are now trapped + on the verge of starvation due to Amhara militias blocking aid. We call on @JustinTrudeau @G7 to intervene immediately and save countless lives. #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWaithttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57397901

22. Millions of Tigrayan children are homeless + starving because of #TigrayGenocide. Now the perpetrators are destroying farms, food stores, & other essential links in the supply chain. Stop funding @AbiyAhmedAli to murder his own people.@WBG_IDA @AxelVT_WB https://www.voanews.com/episode/children-shot-bombed-and-knifed-tigray-war-4711591

23. More than 5 million Tigrayans need emergency food aid. The devastation caused on the agriculture sector in Tigray is clearly an act of inflicting famine on the population. #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait@FAODG @IFAD @UNDRR @USAIDhttps://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/6/5/un-warns-famine-imminent-in-ethiopias-embattled-tigray-region

24. 5.2 million civilians in #Tigray need imminent humanitarian aid. That is 91% of the total population. This is the worst starvation crime in our generation. #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait @EU_Commission @UNReliefChief @G7 @USNATO @NATORomeroC @USAID https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/un-famine-is-imminent-in-ethiopias-embattled-tigray-region/2021/06/05/9c23ea0c-c5c3-11eb-89a4-b7ae22aa193e_story.html?outputType=amp

25. The main rainy season in Tigray begins in May. Farmers needed to prepare their land for this season back in March, but the invading army has been actively barring Tigrayans from farming. #StopStarvingTigray@USAID @EU_Commission @JustinTrudeau @USNATOhttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57226551.amp

26. 90%+ harvest has been lost due to burning, looting, & deliberate destructions. 80% of livestock’s have been looted or slaughtered. Tigray is facing a man-made famine. Have you done all you could do to help?#TigrayCantWait@FAO @USAID @ASteinerhttps://amp.rnz.co.nz/article/e2654a28-9ace-4c39-b5ad-cd8a1752bf15

27. Tigray had made impressive progress in health, education, agriculture & infrastructures.The mass destruction, looting & burning of infrastructures takes the region decades back & is causing famine. #StopStarvingTigray @EU_Commission @USAID @WhiteHousehttps://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/5/18/starvation-stalks-ethiopias-tigray-as-war-drags-on

28. Tigray famine is man-made & the perpetrators are Eritrean & Ethiopian troops as well as Amhara forces. Their immediate withdrawal is a must to stop the imminent famine and to ensure unfettered aid. #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait@EU_Commission @USNATO @JustinTrudeau

29. “People are dying of starvation. In Adwa, people are dying while they are sleeping. [It’s] also the same in other zones in the region,” said Berhane Gebretsadik. ACTION is needed to avert imminent famine. #StopStarvingTigray @SenatorRisch @SenatorCardin https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/1/19/ethiopia-hesitant-to-allow-aid-agencies-into-tigray

30. “telling Tigrayan farmers they aren’t allowed to farm & blocking seeds from reaching parts of the northern region,” said an appointed official. More must be done to stop #StopStarvingTigray. These are war crimes.@RepKarenBass @RepBera @RepSaraJacobshttps://news.yahoo.com/anti-farming-campaign-underway-tigray-113539985.html

31. We could have a million dead in a matter of months. The lack of humanitarian access is part and parcel of the war campaign.” We appeal to the @IntlCrimCourt & leaders to take this genocide seriously.@SenDanSullivan @SenBooker #StopStarvingTigrayhttps://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2021/01/23/after-two-months-of-war-tigray-faces-starvation

32. “The Eritreans are telling us they will burn the food trucks if we pass. The Ethiopian troops are also blocking aid. This is a deliberate act of starving the people,” said the official.@SenJackyRosen @LindseyGrahamSC@SenatorDurbin #StopStarvingTigray https://aje.io/lfs8z

33. The @UN must recognize that there is a genocide in Tigray. We call for:????immediate ceasefire????withdrawal of invading troops????humanitarian intervention????no fly zone enforced????UN-led only investigation@USAmbUN @POTUS @EUCouncil @NATO#TigrayCantWaithttps://www.tghat.com/2021/05/13/can-letebirhan-of-2021tigray-genocide-move-the-world-like-birhan-of-the1984-ethiopian-famine/

EU – English

1. An anti-farming campaign is in effect in Tigray & the @UN has not stepped in to help. Invading troops are prohibiting the transportation of seeds. We need a humanitarian intervention before millions die. #TigrayCantWait @GermanyNATO @NATO https://news.yahoo.com/anti-farming-campaign-underway-tigray-113539985.html

2. “They burnt my neighbour, an old blind woman, along with her crops & house,” said the 40-year-old mother. World leaders, its time to ACT NOW! #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait @GermanyNATO @vonderleyen @HeikoMaas @GermanyUN @UNWomen_Germany @eu_eeas https://tinyurl.com/59fu6tvz

3. Now, more than 5 million Tigrayans need emergency food aid. People are dying while they are sleeping! This dire situation must change now! ACT NOW! #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait @vonderleyen @HeikoMaas @GermanyUN @GermanyNATO @eu_eeas https://bit.ly/3z8u6qS

4. Women, children & elderly are among the most affected groups suffering in Tigray.@GermanyUN @UN @HeikoMaas @RegSprecher @vonderleyen It is critical that you ACT NOW before a catastrophic famine in generations unfolds! #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray https://bit.ly/3pCYghx

5. “They put another neighbour into the fire when he begged them to leave for him a small portion of crops.” When will Intl. leaders intervene to stop these atrocities? @GermanyNATO @vonderleyen @GermanyUN @HeikoMaas #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray https://bit.ly/2T4fRTq

6. Atrocities of Eritrean soldiers looting food aid, burning crops, preventing Tigrayans from farming are verified. The existing food crisis will be exacerbated if the int‘l community doesn‘t act now! @EU_Commission #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210427-eritrean-troops-block-loot-food-aid-in-tigray-documents

7. Killing of civilians, weaponized SGBV, indiscriminate bombing, & the displacement of Tigray’s residents is the new reality for the people in Tigray We demand targeted sanctions of officials and arms embargo on the war against Tigray #TigrayCantWait @GermanyUN

8. “This is not a matter of interfering in sovereign internal affairs, but about observing the binding obligations on all states under international humanitarian law.” Swift action is needed! #TigrayCantWait @UKNATO @NATO @GermanyNATO @NLatNATO @FAO https://bit.ly/2T9cM4G

9. .@UNReliefChief has assessed that over 90% of the harvest was lost due to looting, burning, or other destruction, & that 80% of livestock was either looted or slaughtered. When will you use your power to help? @EUCouncil @EUAmbUS #StopStarvingTigray https://bit.ly/3irGDjp

10. “We don’t have anything to eat,” a man in Qafta Humera said, saying their crops & livestock had been looted during seven months of war. This genocide must be taken seriously. #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait @eu_echo @UKNATO @UNPeacekeeping @WFPChief https://bbc.in/3540H3n

11. “leaders of the 7 major industrialized nations ????????,????????,????????,????????,????????,???????? & ???????? need to put the humanitarian crisis and threat of widespread famine in [Tigray] on the agenda of their” #G7Summit. @G7 @JoeBiden @BorisJohnson @amerkel57 #TigrayCantWait https://bit.ly/3ptsq6O

12. Humanitarian operations are being attacked, obstructed & delayed in delivering life-saving aid. 8 aid workers have been killed in Tigray in just 6 months. @antonioguterres, you are complicit in your silence. The @UN must intervene. #StopStarvingTigray https://bit.ly/3irGDjp

13. The current conditions in west Tigray are “dire and frightening, according to people living in Qafta Humera.” The world must intervene. #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait @BorisJohnson @JustinTrudeau @EmmanuelMacron @amerkel57 @ahunnaeziakonwa https://bbc.in/3540H3n

14. Mark Lowcock says “there are more than a million people in places controlled by Tigrayan opposition forces” and “there have been deliberate, repeated, sustained attempts to prevent them getting food.” #G7 #TigrayGenocide @eucopresident @EmmanuelMacron https://bit.ly/3x2P3BJ

15. 5.2 million civilians in Tigray are at risk of dying from starvation. “Our crops & cattle have been taken by the armed men,” one farmer in his 60s said. The world must intervene! #TigrayCantWait @NorwayNATO @G7 @Europarl_EN @JanezLenarcic @FAODG @USAID https://bbc.in/3540H3n

16. Farmers’ cattle have been killed & crops have been burned, greatly disrupting the sowing & harvesting seasons. TIGRAY IS NOT STARVING, IT’S BEING STARVED. @JuttaUrpilainen @VeraJourova @JosepBorrellF @Haavisto @eu_echo #StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait https://bbc.in/3540H3n

17. “Agricultural production is being targeted. Imports of vital communications equipment are being delayed.” Why are you not taking concrete action to stop this? #TigrayCantWait @EU_Commission @ASteiner @FAODG @USAID @ahunnaeziakonwa @CyrilRamaphosa https://bit.ly/3pAz2Av

18. Humanitarian operations are being attacked, obstructed & delayed in delivering life-saving aid. 8 aid workers have been killed in Tigray in just 6 months. @antonioguterres, you are complicit in your silence. The @UN must intervene. #StopStarvingTigray https://bit.ly/3irGDjp

19. .@pierofassino & @MarinaSereni must condemn the #TigrayGenocide. The lives of millions are at stake. ???????? must condemn @PMEthiopia & join int. calls for humanitarian ceasefire & support a military intervention to force @AbiyAhmedAli to #StopStarvingTigray https://bloom.bg/3pxuaMk

20. The only SOLUTION to tackle the humanitarian disaster is to call out the perpetrators & force them to #StopStarvingTigray. We need a strong condemnation & urgent intervention NOW! #EritreaOutofTigray @sebastianocardi @FilippoGrandi @MariaLenasemedo @G7 https://bit.ly/3crMvp4

21. ???????????? #TigrayCantWait!????According to @UNReliefChief, over 90% of the harvest was lost due to #looting, burning, or other destruction. While 80% of the livestock in the region have been looted or slaughtered. @lauraboldrini @pierofassino @MEF_GOV @G7 https://www.dw.com/en/ethiopia-un-warns-90-of-people-in-tigray-need-food-aid/a-57750470

22. ⚠️5.2 million on the brink of starvation⚠️ At this stage, @luigidimaio’s silence is compliance. The least @ItalyMFA can do is to cut bilateral relations, condemn #ManMadeFamineInTigray & support a military intervention so that ???????? will #StopStarvingTigray https://bbc.in/3ivKAU2

23. Italy is the country that has weakened #EU efforts to act firmly against ????????/????????.⚠️@ItalyMFA must consider the millions of lives that are at stake in the ongoing #TigrayGenocide. @Palazzo_Chigi must join @G7 & @EUCouncil as #TigrayCantWait⚠️@ItalyatNATO https://bit.ly/3pxnga9

24. “Several areas in ????????’s northern region of Tigray are on the verge of famine,” @antonioguterresYet @luigidimaio & @ItalyMFA decided to fund the sham election of @AbiyAhmedAli, the same dictator that imposes the famine on civilians. @G7 #TigrayCantWaithttps://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/mondo/2021/06/08/etiopia-onu-diverse-aree-tigray-sullorlo-della-carestia_4d24db5d-9c62-488a-92c2-337f6a43ee1b.html


1. “Einen anderen Nachbarn warfen sie ins Feuer, als er sie anflehte, ihm einen kleinen Teil der Ernte zu überlassen.” #StopStarvingTigray @GermanyNATO @vonderleyen @HeikoMaas @GermanyUN #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray https://bit.ly/2T4fRTq

2. Mehr als 90 % der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnisse wurden verbrannt und gingen vor der Ernte zugrunde. Die Zerstörung der Landwirtschaft wird systematisch genutzt, um Tigray auszuhungern! @GermanyNATO@HeikoMaas @RegSprecher Act Now! #StopStarvingTigray https://bit.ly/3va2vm8

3. Trotz mehrfacher Aufforderungen zum kompletten Rückzug der eritreischen und Amhara-Kräfte aus Tigray gibt es keinerlei Anzeichen, dass @AbiyAhmedAli den Rückzug der Truppen veranlasst hat.@GermanyNato @RegSprecher @HeikoMaas @vonderleyen Act Now! #TigrayCantWait

4. .@G7 und @JosepBorrellF forderten von Eritrea einen raschen, bedingungslosen und NACHPRÜFBAREN Rückzug seiner Truppen aus Tigray! @GermanyNATO @vonderleyen @HeikoMaas @RegSprecher Wir fordern konkrete Maßnahmen! #TigrayCantWait https://www.dw.com/de/g7-verurteilen-tötungen-in-tigray/a-57086042

5. Wie kann die @UN dem schrecklichen #SrebrenicaGenocide gedenken und zugleich den #TigrayGenocide weiterhin zulassen? @GermanyUN @UN @HeikoMaas @RegSprecher @vonderleyen @eu_eeas @GermanyNATO #TigrayCantWait Handelt sofort, bevor noch mehr Menschen sterben! #StopStarvingTigray

6. Die Geschichte in #Tigray wiederholt sich, eine Hungersnot droht Millionen von Menschen. Damals hat die Welt geholfen, warum wird heute zugeschaut wie eine Regierung ???????? ihr eigenes Volk aushungert?!?#StopStarvingTigray #TigrayCantWait @WHO @UNICEFgermany https://t.co/rxyvNsFtWq?amp=1


1. “The Eritreans ordered them not to plant. So we’re going to have a very low harvest.”Tigray is being systematically starved by the Ethiopian & Eritrean govt. Use your power on behalf of those suffering. #TigrayCantWait @ScottMorrisonMP @NATOinAustraliahttps://emnetnegash.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/in-tigray-the-farmers-are-the-first-victims-of-a-conflict-that-is-lasting/

2. “Death is knocking on our door. You can see the hunger on the face of each of us.” We need swift action to stop starvation war crimes. @UN Resolution 2417 states that these are war crimes. Take action! #TigrayCantWait @ScottMorrisonMP @NATOinAustraliahttps://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57397901.amp

3. Over the past 7months crops and livestock have been looted and destroyed in Tigray by ???????? and ???????? troops. Simultaneously, food aid is also being blocked from reaching 91% of the population who are at risk of starvation. We need action now #TigrayCantWait @mbachelet @RaoufMazou

4. Restoring Tigray’s agricultural activities to its pre-conflict status by supporting with seed supplies and other farming needs is crucial, in order to increase food supply and reduce the impacts of a looming famine. #StopStarvingTigray @KellyTClementshttps://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/5/18/starvation-stalks-ethiopias-tigray-as-war-drags-on

5. #TigrayGenocide has meant that farmers have been unable to return to their farms to plant during the current rainy season. The repercussions will be no upcoming harvest & a worsening food crisis. Act now! #TigrayCantWait @NATOinAustralia @NATORomeroChttps://emnetnegash.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/in-tigray-the-farmers-are-the-first-victims-of-a-conflict-that-is-lasting/

6. “Before the conflict broke out, Tigray was largely free from hunger; now the @UN estimates that 4.5 mil need food aid.” Some months later, it has increased to 5.2 mil. It’s time to take action! #StopStarvingTigray@EU_Commission @ScottMorrisonMP @G7https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/04/22/tigray-is-edging-closer-to-famine


1. Per @UNReliefChief grazie agli abusi ed alla devastazione messi in atto da @AbiyAhmedAli in collaborazione con Isaias Afwerki milioni di persone stanno morendo e moriranno in Tigray. Salviamoli! @MAZappia @pierofassino #StopStarvingTigray https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2021/06/05/news/conflitto_etiopia_onu_centinaia_di_migliaia_di_persone_a_rischio_carestia_stanno_gia_morendo_-304295415/

2. Complimenti a @luigidimaio che dona al dittatore @AbiyAhmedAli responsabile del #TigrayGenocide fondi a sostegno delle elezioni farsa in Ethiopia. Per il @WFP in Tigray il 91% della popolazione non ha cibo. #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigray @maumartina https://www.avvenire.it/mondo/pagine/in-ostaggio-nel-tigrai-della-fame-e-dell-orrore

3. ”la carestia è scoppiata a causa della sistematica distruzione dei raccolti e delle riserve alimentari in #Tigray attuata da eritrei e federali” Milioni di civili moriranno grazie a @AbiyAhmedAli. @MAZappia @lauraboldrini #StopStarvingTigray https://www.farodiroma.it/etiopia-il-premier-abiy-in-difficolta-rinvia-le-elezioni-del-prossimo-giugno-di-fulvio-beltrami/

4. Anziché condannare l’Etiopia per il #TigrayGenocide, la fame indotta, gli stupri di massa, le torture e massacri; l’???????? dà ancora sostegno al PM ????????. Andando anche contro la posizione dell’???????? @luigidimaio @lauraboldrini @Roberto_Fico #StopStarvingTigray https://ilmanifesto.it/nel-tigray-alla-guerra-si-aggiunge-la-carestia-crimine-di-fame/

5. L’????????, finanzia le finte elezioni del governo etiope di @AbiyAhmedAli. Lo stesso che usa la fame come arma di guerra. #TigrayGenocide @lauraboldrini @emmabonino @luigidimaio @Roberto_Fico @MarinaSereni @ItalyatNATO #TigrayCantWait #StopStarvingTigrayhttps://www.google.it/amp/s/www.repubblica.it/esteri/2021/06/05/news/conflitto_etiopia_onu_centinaia_di_migliaia_di_persone_a_rischio_carestia_stanno_gia_morendo_-304295415/amp/

6. In Tigray l’esercito etiope e quello eritreo saccheggiano e distruggono i raccolti, il cibo e impediscono l’accesso umanitario ai civili affinché muoiano di fame. #StopStarvingTigray @luigidimaio @lauraboldrini @MAZappia @Roberto_Fico @MEF_GOV https://www.google.it/amp/s/www.repubblica.it/esteri/2021/06/05/news/conflitto_etiopia_onu_centinaia_di_migliaia_di_persone_a_rischio_carestia_stanno_gia_morendo_-304295415/amp/
