
1. The World Heritage Site of Axum, well known for its significant Axumite structure, coins, and pottery, has been shelled, damaged, and looted during #TigrayGenocide. #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay @UNESCO @ICOMOS @ICCROM @IcomOfficiel https://globenewsnet.com/culture-language/heritages/heritage-and-history-cleansing-in-tigray-international-organizations-overlooked/
2. Tigray’s heritage sites are being deliberately damaged during #TigrayGenocide. This includes museums, churches, archive centers, libraries, and other related institutions. #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay @UnescoEast @UNESCOEU @UnescoGeneva https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
3. It is universal law that the Ethiopian govt has a responsibility to protect heritage found within the country’s boundaries. However, a state policy is spearheading a #TigrayHeritageCleansing occupation. #WorldHeritageDay @IIC_ @UN_HRC @IcomOfficiel https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
4. The Kunama and Irob are minority groups within the Tigrayan ethnicity. The culture and traditions of these groups are under attack as #TigrayHeritageCleansing continues by the Ethiopian govt. #WorldHeritageDay @UN @NLatICC @EUCommission @EU_Partnerships https://www.tghat.com/2022/03/15/ethiopian-and-allied-forces-looted-3000-vellum-books-and-300-crosses-from-waldebba-monastery-of-tigray/
5. Ancient manuscripts and artifacts looted from Tigray were listed for sale online. To erase an ethnic group’s identity + uproot them from their land is cultural genocide. Act now. @UNESCO @UNOSAPG @ICOMOS @ICCROM #WorldHeritageDay #TigrayHeritageCleansing https://africanarguments.org/2021/03/tigray-why-are-soldiers-attacking-religious-heritage-sites/?fbclid=IwAR0834Hkd9fj4VJdKVJ-_VEdOv9Wn6ukDXtVgw68LMeba8KKtkVrSk_zTd8
6. The intentional destruction of churches & mosques across Tigray by invading forces is a grave dishonor. Centuries of the world’s history may be gone if the int’l community does not take action. #WorldHeritageDay #TigrayHeritageCleansing @Pontifex @ocaorg https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
7. The @TigrayHeritage is outraged and deeply concerned about the threat against Tigrayan heritage and values during the ongoing #TigrayGenocide. #TigrayHeritageCleansing is a component of this genocidal war. #WorldHeritageDay @UNESCO @IntlCrimCourt @ICOMOS https://heritagesocietytigray.org/heritage-society-of-tigray-condemns-the-cleansing-of-tigrays-heritage/
8. Tigray possesses cultural traces dating back to the Middle Stone Ages. This part of the world’s history is being threatened. Action must be taken to protect history and cultural identity. #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay @UNOSAPG @Blklivesmatter https://globenewsnet.com/culture-language/heritages/heritage-and-history-cleansing-in-tigray-international-organizations-overlooked/
9. The world said ‘never again’ to genocide, but the int’l community fails to take action to end #TigrayGenocide. Not only do millions face an imminent death but Tigray’s heritage is at risk. #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay @ArmeniaUN @PaulKagame https://www.tghat.com/2022/03/15/ethiopian-and-allied-forces-looted-3000-vellum-books-and-300-crosses-from-waldebba-monastery-of-tigray/?amp=1&fbclid=IwAR0tQEZq5mnjkumsAbGZjKZuPkwQpRr1txfBOqriFEMnKYlrEfJpYdjmm-o
10. The systematic destruction of Tigray’s heritage and history is a cultural genocide that the world has ignored. When will you take action to stop #TigrayHeritageCleansing? #WorldHeritageDay @ErnestoOttoneR @EXBChairUNESCO @PGC_of_UNESCO @TawfikJelassi https://africanarguments.org/2021/03/tigray-why-are-soldiers-attacking-religious-heritage-sites/
11. #TigrayHeritageCleansing is still active. Invading Ethiopian and Eritrean forces continue to loot, damage, and destroy Tigray’s history. This cultural genocide must be stopped by world leaders. #WorldHeritageDay @Europarl_EN @AAzoulay @IBVprev @eu_echo https://www.tghat.com/2022/03/15/ethiopian-and-allied-forces-looted-3000-vellum-books-and-300-crosses-from-waldebba-monastery-of-tigray/
12. Concrete action must be taken by the int’l community to end #TigrayGenocide, but joint forces are rehearsing for a full re-occupation of Tigray which will only add another layer of #TigrayHeritageCleansing. #WorldHeritageDay @AAzoulay @SteGiannini @IIC_ https://globenewsnet.com/culture-language/heritages/heritage-and-history-cleansing-in-tigray-international-organizations-overlooked/
13. .@TigrayHeritage calls on institutions in Ethiopia & Eritrea to come to their senses, & end the illegal movement of relic objects through Eritrea, Amhara, Sudan, & other parts of Ethiopia. @UNESCO @UnescoEast #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay https://heritagesocietytigray.org/heritage-society-of-tigray-condemns-the-cleansing-of-tigrays-heritage/
14. The destruction of heritage sites during the #TigrayGenocide are not due to war collateral damage, but are deliberate targets of the genocidal forces. #TigrayHeritageCleansing is a component of genocide. @IntlCrimCourt @UNOSAPG @UNESCO @ICOMOS @ICCROM https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
1. Tigray stands out for its civilizations. Its people, values, traditions, and heritage are all inextricably linked as body & soul. #TigrayHeritageCleansing is part and parcel of the #TigrayGenocide. #WorldHeritageDay @vonderleyen @dreynders @MarosSefcovic https://globenewsnet.com/culture-language/heritages/heritage-and-history-cleansing-in-tigray-international-organizations-overlooked/
2. Tigray’s unique heritage sites are being targeted by invaders with an intent to destroy Tigrayan identity and history. Global leaders must take #TigrayGenocide seriously. #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay @AsstSecStateAF @paytonknopf @SecBlinken https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
3. .@TigrayHeritage fiercely condemns crimes committed against Tigray’s heritage. On this #WorldHeritageDay, we call on the Int’l community to intervene, protect, & salvage Tigray’s threatened identity and history. #TigrayHeritageCleansing @UNESCO @ICOMOS https://heritagesocietytigray.org/heritage-society-of-tigray-condemns-the-cleansing-of-tigrays-heritage/
4. The attacks against Tigray’s museums, churches, and heritage sites; along with the massacres, rape and torture of civilians are punishable war crimes. The Int’l community must take action. #WorldHeritageDay #TigrayHeritageCleansing @StateDept @GCR2P @UNDP https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
5. Eritrean troops climbed into a 6th century monastery in Tigray to loot old manuscripts & treasures. #TigrayGenocide threatens millions as well as important Christian and African history. @TIME @VICE @UnescoEast #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay https://africanarguments.org/2021/03/tigray-why-are-soldiers-attacking-religious-heritage-sites/
6. “The intended effect is to erase people’s attachment to the land, uprooting them not only physically, but psychologically. Destroying religious sites is a powerful instrument in this approach.”#TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay @blackvoices @NAACP https://africanarguments.org/2021/03/tigray-why-are-soldiers-attacking-religious-heritage-sites/
7. Tigray’s churches, monasteries, mosques + other symbolic Islamic settlements, archaeological sites, and museums are at risk of #TigrayHeritageCleansing by invading Ethiopian & Eritrean forces. #WorldHeritageDay @UN4Indigenous @UNTreatyBodies @MIAQatar https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
8. Heritage belongs to humanity no matter how big or small. Thousands of invaluable heirlooms of cultural identity and history are now gone forever as #TigrayGenocide continues. @ICOMOS @ICCROM @IcomOfficiel #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
9. Geez vellum books, crosses and other cultural artifacts recently flooded online markets like @eBay. Where is the Int’l outrage for the genocide taking place across Tigray? #WorldHeritageDay #TigrayHeritageCleansing @AAzoulay @SteGiannini @ErnestoOttoneR https://www.tghat.com/2022/03/15/ethiopian-and-allied-forces-looted-3000-vellum-books-and-300-crosses-from-waldebba-monastery-of-tigray/?amp=1&fbclid=IwAR0tQEZq5mnjkumsAbGZjKZuPkwQpRr1txfBOqriFEMnKYlrEfJpYdjmm-o
10. Kafta Sheraro Park in Tigray is still being deforested by invading Eritrean troops. African elephants have reportedly been killed and other ecosystems are at risk. #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay @BonnConvention @AWF_Official @UNESCO @ICOMOS https://twitter.com/Yonigussie/status/1363190832375939082?s=20&t=byXvqjJW_M3ALHU14EOM6A
11. Not only is starvation & rape used as weapons of war in Ethiopia’s genocide against Tigray, but the intent to destroy Tigrayan identity & history is made clear. Where is action to stop #TigrayGenocide? #TigrayHeritageCleansing @KarimKhanQC @Assita_Kanko https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
12. How ironic that a recipient of the @NobelPrize is a war criminal; ordering & enabling genocidal crimes against people within his own country, particularly in the region known as Tigray. #TigrayHeritageCleansing #WorldHeritageDay @NAACP @ColorOfChange https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/world/africa/ethiopia-abiy-ahmed-nobel-war.html
13. Tigray is the foundation for hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, & hundreds of inscriptions written in Sabean & Ge’ez. History and identity is at risk of #TigrayHeritageCleansing as invading forces occupy the region. #WorldHeritageDay @RwandaRemembers https://theconversation.com/ethiopias-war-in-tigray-risks-wiping-out-centuries-of-the-worlds-history-179829
14. Tigray holds the core of the ancient Axumite kingdom along with the historic settlements of Axum. Invading forces are still committing #TigrayHeritageCleansing as they loot and pillage sacred places of worship. #WorldHeritageDay @UNESCO @ICOMOS @intalert https://www.apollo-magazine.com/tigray-ethiopia-conflict-cultural-heritage/
15. Tigray is a sacred land that dates back to early civilizations. It carries an abundance of ancient Christian & African history, & we cannot allow criminal invading forces to erase it. Stop #TigrayHeritageCleansing. @EU_Commission @StateDept @UnescoGeneva https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/protect-religious-symbols-in-african-conflict-zones