
1. With the state-imposed siege on Tigray tightening, innocent civilians are needlessly dying due to starvation and lack of medication. The world must force Ethiopia & Eritrea to lift the deadly siege + #AllowAccessToTigray. @SecBlinken @JosepBorrellF @USUN
2. Emboldened by the int’l community’s inaction, @AbiyAhmedAli and his cronies continue to starve Tigrayans to death with impunity. We ask @ChrisVanHollen @timkaine and @SenatorRounds to support S.3199 in order to #AllowAccessToTigray, among other things. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/mar/23/trying-to-survive-millions-in-tigray-face-hunger-as-they-wait-in-vain-for-aid
3. Today marks 100 days since no aid convoy has reached Tigray due to a state-imposed siege. Civilians are left to sleep on an empty stomach with hopes they don’t perish. @USAmbUN @StateDept @UKUN_NewYork act to #AllowAccessToTigray before it’s too late.
4. Despite continuous pleas to #AllowAccessToTigray, all routes to the region remain deliberately closed by Ethiopian & Eritrean forces. All the while, @JustinTrudeau’s admin is sustaining a genocide that’s so far claimed 500,000 lives through it’s inaction. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-tigray-war-has-seen-up-to-half-a-million-dead-from-violence-and/
5. .@WHO Director-General @DrTedros describes the situation in #Tigray as “catastrophic.” Humanitarian partners are running out of food and fuel to help millions of people who are in dire need of assistance. @StateDept @USAID @UNICEF #AllowAccessToTigray https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/who-head-spotlights-catastrophic-humanitarian-crisis-ethiopia-s-tigray-region/ar-AAVarHz
6. “There is nowhere on earth where the health of millions of people is more under threat than in Tigray” – @WHO Director-General. Millions in #Tigray are facing a humanitarian catastrophe as aid and medicine remain blocked @WFPChief #AllowAccessToTigray
7. Since July 2021, millions of people in #Tigray have been under a de facto blockade imposed by the Ethiopian government. Less than 10% of the required food aid has made it to Tigray. The world must call on Ethiopia to #AllowAccessToTigray! @EU_Commission
8. Millions of Tigrayans are being starved because of the deliberate aid blockade enacted by the Ethiopian government. Immediate action is needed to prevent millions from starving to death. #AllowAccessToTigray @EU_Commission @WFPChief @StateDeptSpox @UNDP https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/mar/23/trying-to-survive-millions-in-tigray-face-hunger-as-they-wait-in-vain-for-aid
9. U.S. Special envoy Amb. Satterfield reported that attempts to move aid to #Tigray were blocked by groups in Afar. Federal & regional forces in Ethiopia continue enacting a brutal blockade, endangering the lives of millions. @EUatUN #AllowAccessToTigray
10. Weaponizing food & aid is an internationally recognized crime, yet #Ethiopia continues to do so without any regard to int’l law. How many more civilians must suffer before action is taken?! @mbachelet @antonioguterres @vonderleyen #AllowAccessToTigray
1. Abiy Ahmed has created the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Millions of civilians are suffering in Tigray due to the siege he has endorsed and your inaction is only making matters worse. #AllowAccessToTigray @KenyaMissionUN @Niger_ONU @PmTunisia
2. Ethiopia has consistently shown its disregard for int’l human rights law. Not only has @AbiyAhmedAli’s govt blocked food & aid from reaching civilians in #Tigray, but has also intentionally targeted aid workers. #AllowAccessToTigray @donlemon @TIME
3. Today marks 100 days since aid trucks have been blocked from entering Tigray. @AbiyAhmedAli hasrepeatedly shown that he cannot be trusted. #TigrayCantWait another 100 days. Take action today! #AllowAccessToTigray @SecBlinken @TimmermansEU@dreynders https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/30/world/africa/ethiopia-expels-un-officials.html
4. Families across Tigray are exhausting all means to feed themselves, as the deadly siege continues. When will the world care about all children suffering in war? #AllowAccessToTigray @unicefchief @unwomenchief @keepachildalive @UNReliefChief
5. International leaders must do everything in their power to help end the siege in Tigray. Medical staff have been pleading for help for far too long. @UN ACT NOW! #AllowAccessToTigray @UNGeneva @WHO @antonioguterres @AmbMKimani @UNReliefChief @USAmbUN
6. Starvation is being used as a weapon of war on millions of Tigrayans by the Ethiopian govt. Yet, the int’l community focuses all their attention on Ukraine and continues to fail Tigray for over a year. #AllowAccessToTigray @ObamaFoundation @Trevornoah
7. “In Tigray, families are exhausting all remaining means to access food,with 3/4 of the population reported to be using extreme coping strategies to survive.”Stop the Ethiopian govt from blocking aid! #AllowAccessToTigray @NorwayUN @irishmissionun @MexOnu https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/ethiopia
8. “There was no movement of emergency agricultural inputs (seed, fertilizer, & agro-chemicals) into Tigray Region since the beginning of July 2021.” 90%+ harvest was looted & burned by invading forces in the past year. @EUatUN @EUAmbUS #AllowAccessToTigray https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/ethiopia
9. 6.8M+ civilians in Tigray, 97% of the population, need emergency food aid. Yet Ethiopian & Eritrean troops continue to block aid “not one aid truck has arrived in Tigray since mid-December.” #AllowAccessToTigray @czorrinho @fernanddev @hickspeggy @eu_echo
10. 97% of Tigray’s 6.8 million population need emergency food aid today. Yet, Ethiopian & Eritrean troops continue to block aid. Not one aid truck has arrived in Tigray since mid-December. #AllowAccessToTigray @czorrinho @fernanddev @hickspeggy @eu_echo https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/mar/23/trying-to-survive-millions-in-tigray-face-hunger-as-they-wait-in-vain-for-aid
1. The total siege of Tigray imposed by @AbiyAhmedAli’s government has totally collapsed all basic infrastructure killing thousands and leaving millions in imminent danger. #EndTigraySiege #AllowAccessToTigray @DicarloRosemary @FilippoGrandi @UNReliefChief https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/mar/23/trying-to-survive-millions-in-tigray-face-hunger-as-they-wait-in-vain-for-aid
2. “They’re fighting a govt which is doing everything it can to cleanse the people of Tigray from the earth..We are just trying to survive.”No aid trucks have entered Tigray in 100 days! #AllowAccessToTigray @ColorOfChange @blackvoices @Blklivesmatter https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/mar/23/trying-to-survive-millions-in-tigray-face-hunger-as-they-wait-in-vain-for-aid
3. According to @WHO chief @DrTedros, “nowhere on Earth” do we see people at greater risk than those located in #Tigray. #Ethiopia’s continued siege of the region has caused one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. #AllowAccessToTigray @SamanthaJPower https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/mar/17/nowhere-on-earth-are-people-more-at-risk-than-tigray-says-who-chief
4. #Ethiopia’s continued siege of #Tigray has prevented 46,000 people with HIV from receiving treatment. Additionally, “people with tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes + cancer are also not being treated, and may have died.” #AllowAccessToTigray @franceonu https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/mar/17/nowhere-on-earth-are-people-more-at-risk-than-tigray-says-who-chief