#StopTigrayFamine September 29, 2021 – September 28, 2021

#StopTigrayFamine Pt. 1

1. The inadequacy and lack of access to aid and resources in Tigray is hard to comprehend. A @UNOCHA report shows it’s operating with only 0.2% cash, 12% fuel, & 3% trucks of what’s needed to operate. #StopTigrayFamine @USAID @PowerUSAID @USAIDSCharles https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/ethiopia

2. The Ethiopian Govt continues to block humanitarian aid from reaching Tigray & commits crimes of aggression in the dark. For over 10 months remote parts like Irob, are specially at higher risk of starvation. #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @WHCOS@USAID @DeputySecState

3. 6.8M people in Tigray need emergency food aid900k civilians are in famine conditions90% of the harvest looted or burned80% of the livestock looted or slaughteredHow is Int’ community allowing this reality ?@FilippoGrandi @FAO #StopTigrayFamine https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/03/africa/tigray-ethiopia-food-shortage-intl/index.html

4. 10+ months since Tigray is under weaponized starvation. Children should not be dying each hour due to starvation. Life-saving aid must be airdropped into Tigray and the siege must end. Reconnect Tigray! #StopTigrayFamine@UNICEF @WFPChief @FAOemergencies https://tghat.com/2021/09/22/weekly-briefing-millions-in-dire-need-of-food-medical-supplies-and-nutrition/

5. Along weaponized rape, massacres, looting & destruction of infrastructures, weaponized starvation is one of @AbiyAhmedAli’s inhumane strategies of war. Global leaders must ACT NOW to #StopTigrayFamine @WHCOS @USAID @DeputySecState @StateDepthttps://www.bbc.com/news/58681797

6. EU envoy & Finland’s Foreign Minister revealed in May that Ethiopia’s leaders told him that they’re “going to wipe out the Tigrayans for 100 years.” The intl community must stop #TigrayGenocide & take immediate action to protect lives! @simoncoveney @USUN https://apnews.com/article/europe-ethiopia-africa-ffd3dc3faf15d0501fd87cafe274e65a

7. In addition to being held in concentration camps, killed & raped, Tigrayans are starving to death in a man-made famine engineered to carry out the #TigrayGenocide. The intl community must immediately act and #StopTigrayFamine! @UNOCHA @WFPChief @JosepBorrellF @UnderSecStateJ

8. “Children who should have been laughing w/friends & studying in school were instead locked up, crying, starving & abused in concentration camps.” Children are not spared in the #TigrayGenocide. @eucopresident @vonderleyen @JuttaUrpilainen @EmmanuelMacronhttps://bit.ly/3CIes6D

9. 1.8 mill people are on the brink of famine across Tigray & the region remains under a humanitarian blockade enacted by the Ethiopian Government. The intl community must act now to save lives & #StopTigrayFamine! @USAIDSCharles @paytonknopf @ChrisCoons https://aje.io/qy5kys

10. “Unless the @UN starts to reveal what it knows, then by its silence it is contributing to the death by starvation.” #TigrayGenocide #StopTigrayFamine@WFPchief @UNReliefChief @kenyamissionun @franceonu@Niger_ONU @PmTunisiahttps://sites.tufts.edu/reinventingpeace/2021/09/24/see-no-evil-how-the-united-nations-is-blind-to-the-famine-in-tigray/

11. “This is not a ceasefire, it’s a siege and starvation is being used as a weapon of war,” warned @JanezLenarcic.Due to the ICC’s inaction, Ethiopian gov’t continues to blockade Tigray and starve millions. #StopTigrayFamine @dreynders @vestager @franceonu https://euobserver.com/world/152370

12. Ethiopia’s blockade causes famine and extreme human suffering. Children are starving and 100,000 could die of hunger if the int’l community doesn’t act to #StopTigrayFamine! #TigrayGenocide @PalomaUnicef @UNICEFEthiopia @UN @USAIDEthiopia @EU_Commission https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/100000-children-tigray-risk-death-malnutrition-unicef-2021-07-30/

13. The siege, ongoing mass arrest + massacres of Tigrayans throughout Ethiopia is part of a larger effort of erasure & genocide. It is imperative that the Intl. community call it what it is – #TigrayGenocide and #StopTigrayFamine @USAmbUN @VP @USUN @UN_HRC https://www.reuters.com/world/un-warns-catastrophe-looms-ethiopias-north-urges-government-end-de-facto-aid-2021-09-02/

14. “My relatives told me…that there is nothing the hospital can do…[But] I could not sit and wait until he dies in my hands.” Hospitals depleted & unable to care for the malnourished. Airdrop aid! #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @WHO @FAO @MedairInt https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/9/23/tigray-mothers-share-shocking-accounts-of-dire-famine-conditions

15. .@UN called it “de facto aid blockade” but has barely done anything to avert the famine. Starvation, hate speech, & mass detentions is being used as means of committing genocide. #StopTigrayFamine #CallItAGenocide @RepSaraJacobs @RepMcCaul @StateDept https://reliefweb.int/report/ethiopia/atrocity-alert-no-271-ethiopia-burundi-and-philippines

16. Tigray is facing famine & this crisis is receiving little to no attention from global leaders. Ethiopia “is trying to crush the Tigrayans into submission through starvation, mass rape, and mass murder.” #StopTigrayFamine @GerryConnolly @Ilhan @RepBera https://theweek.com/george-w-bush/1005150/how-americas-shredding-of-international-law-enabled-the-tigray-crisis?utm_campaign=afternoon_newsletter_20210926&utm_source=afternoon_newsletter&utm_medium=email&refid=84F91A1DC0711D06D422BA46F2DCB6FB

#StopTigrayFamine Pt. 2

1. Despite the blackout, there’s overwhelming evidence of:

????manufactured famine

????aid blockade

????countless massacres

????weaponized rape

????mass arrests

????concentration camps

This is a coordinated campaign to eliminate an entire ethnicity. #TigrayGenocide @POTUS @SecBlinken @USUN

2. The Ethiopian media + top leadership including Daniel Kibret, a political advisor to @AbiyAhmedAli cont. to disseminate hate speech against Tigrayans to justify the ongoing genocide. Call it what is – #TigrayGenocide @StateDept @ChrisCoons @SFRCdems @VP https://news.yahoo.com/us-blasts-dangerous-rhetoric-ally-190058880.html

3. ????????@AbiyAhmedAli & his allies are guilty of the #TigrayGenocide! They’ve imprisoned young children in concentration camps and deny them access to food and medicine. #StopTigrayFamine @UNReliefChief @UNOCHA @ICRC @UNHumanRights @FAODG @UNOSAPGhttps://www.salon.com/2021/09/25/eyewitness-accounts-video-confirm-reports-of-tigrayan-children-held-in-concentration-camp/

4. “It became normal to spend four days eating nothing.” The world is watching as another #TigrayFamine unfolds! #TigrayGenocide must be stopped and @AbiyAhmedAli and his allies must be held accountable! @USUN @IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC#StopTigrayFaminehttps://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/23/tigray-mothers-share-shocking-accounts-of-dire-famine-conditions

5. The famine in Tigray will soon spiral out of control & yet the Ethiopian Govt refuses to allow access to much needed aid! World, look closely, the #TigrayGenocide is real! #StopTigrayFamine@UNICEF @FAO @MedairInt @WHO @SoceFallBirima @DrMikeRyanhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/3800-metric-tons-of-food-blocked-from-reaching-tigray-world-food-bank-says/ar-AALHcV4

6. Ethiopian & Eritrean soldiers are deliberately causing famine by destroying crops, looting & blocking aid, and preventing farming. The existing food crisis will be exacerbated if int‘l leaders refuse to act now! #StopTigrayFamine @nouripour @EUSR_Weber https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/400000-people-ethiopias-tigray-face-famine-now-78640838

7. Millions will be facing the worst global famine in decades. Mass starvation is not a natural phenomenon. It is deliberately caused by the looting & blocking of aid. It is a war crime! @vonderleyen @VeraJourova @RaoufMazou #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide https://www.bbc.com/news/58681797

8. “Malnutrition rates are ~ 30% for children under the age of 5 & ~ 80% for pregnant + breastfeeding women.” People are dying of hunger because the int‘l community fail to intervene! #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @PlanGermany @EU_Commission @EUSR_Weberhttps://apnews.com/article/africa-united-nations-only-on-ap-famine-kenya-ef9fe79cc0cf35917fd190b6e9bd0f46

9. Tigrayans are starving to death for almost a year and the world is just watching! The int‘l community must act NOW and put pressure on the genocidal govt of Abiy Ahmed! #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @EUSR_Weber @eu_echo @EUCouncil @EUatUN @UNGeneva https://apnews.com/article/africa-united-nations-only-on-ap-famine-kenya-ef9fe79cc0cf35917fd190b6e9bd0f46

10. According to the @UN, more than 400,000k people in Tigray are at risk of the worst famine in decades and 1.8 million people are on the brink. The world must act NOW and put an end to this! #StopTigrayFamine @vonderleyen @RegSprecher @uneurope@WHO https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/400000-people-ethiopias-tigray-face-famine-now-78640838

11. Fear, famine, abuse and mass arrests have been the new reality for the people in Tigray for nearly a year. How long until @AbiyAhmedAl and the Ethiopian government are stopped? #StopTigrayFamine @VDombrovskis @TimmermansEU @MarosSefcovic @RegSprecherhttps://dgvn.de/meldung/autoritaerer-entwicklungsstaat-im-buergerkrieg-aethiopien-droht-zu-zerbrechen/

12. During the past two months, the main hospital in Mekelle has received 60 children with severe acute malnutrition. Of those 60, 6 have died, according to Dr. Gebregzabher. These children need your help!#StopTigrayFamine @UNICEF @nouripour @vonderleyen https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/23/tigray-mothers-share-shocking-accounts-of-dire-famine-conditions

13. Repeated hate speech, the desecration of the living and dead, and deliberate starvation of civilians. The Tigray famine is among the tools @AbiyAhmedAli & his allies use. The #TigrayGenocide must be stopped. #StopTigrayFamine @eu_echo @UNOSAPGhttps://news.yahoo.com/us-blasts-dangerous-rhetoric-ally-190058880.html

14. “For months, @UN has warned of famine in this embattled corner of northern Ethiopia, calling it the world’s worst hunger crisis in a decade.” Es ist Zeit SOFORT zu handeln! #StopTigrayFamine@GermanyUN @nouripour @HeikoMaas @PalomaUnicef @EUCouncilhttps://apnews.com/article/africa-united-nations-only-on-ap-famine-kenya-ef9fe79cc0cf35917fd190b6e9bd0f46

15. Tigray has been facing:
????Siege (humanitarian blockade)
????Total communication blackout
????No electricity
????No banking services (lack of cash)
????Severe fuel shortage
@UN ACT NOW‼️ #StopTigrayFamine @UNICEF @UNGeneva @UNDP

@StateDept @RepJimCosta

#StopTigrayFamine Pt. 3

1. The @UN has warned of famine in the northern part of Ethiopia, calling it, the “world’s worst hunger crisis in a decade.” The int’l community knows Ethiopia is starving Tigray. Why are you still reluctant to take action to #StopTigrayFamine? @USUN @UN_HRC https://apnews.com/article/africa-united-nations-only-on-ap-famine-kenya-ef9fe79cc0cf35917fd190b6e9bd0f46

2. “There should be no land in this country which can sustain this kind of weed.” This type of hate speech against a particular group incites violence, putting Tigrayans in Ethiopia in danger. #TigrayGenocide#StopTigrayFamine @JosepBorrellF @JanezLenarcic https://news.yahoo.com/us-blasts-dangerous-rhetoric-ally-190058880.html

3. Horrific videos of starving children in Tigray are emerging. Tigrayans do not have the luxury of waiting. The international community must take action to get aid into Tigray. End the siege & reconnect Tigray! #StopTigrayFamine. @UNICEF @unicefchief https://twitter.com/TghatMedia/status/1438415169080729600

4. 11 months of weaponized starvation clearly shows that the genocidal regime of @AbiyAhmedAli & his administration have no intention of allowing aid into Tigray. It’s time to airdrop humanitarian aid into Tigray & #StopTigrayFamine. @WFPChief @HouseForeignhttps://www.dw.com/en/humanitarian-situation-worsens-in-ethiopias-tigray-region/a-59004740

5. “These children are innocent. These are young children who were imprisoned and abused.” The international community is failing these innocent children. #StopTigrayFamine @UNICEFCHIEF @PalomaUnicef@UNICEFUSA @savechildrenuk @keepachildalivehttps://www.salon.com/2021/09/25/eyewitness-accounts-video-confirm-reports-of-tigrayan-children-held-in-concentration-camp/

6. In Ethiopia’s northern region of Tigray, the worst humanitarian crisis ever is unfolding. Ethiopia’s inhumane imposed blockades of humanitarian aid are leaving millions of families starving. #StopTigrayFamine @SavetheChildren @keepachildalive @hrwhttps://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/23/tigray-mothers-share-shocking-accounts-of-dire-famine-conditions

7. “I waited for two weeks in the village … hoping someone would help,” she added. “But no one was able to help. Everyone was like us.” @IntlCrimCourt has a responsibility to hold the #Eth gov accountable for genocide. #StopTigrayFamine @ICRC @UNReliefChief https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/23/tigray-mothers-share-shocking-accounts-of-dire-famine-conditions

8. Children are severely malnourished and the food & aid to treat them has run out. We are calling for greater humanitarian access to ensure children receive the food & medicine they desperately need! #StopTigrayFamine @UNICEFuk_action @USAIDAfrica @WHOAFROm https://apnews.com/article/africa-united-nations-only-on-ap-famine-kenya-ef9fe79cc0cf35917fd190b6e9bd0f46

9. During the past two months, the main hospital in Mekelle has received 60 children with severe acute malnutrition. Of those 60, six have died. #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @USAID @WFP_Africa @WHO @USAID @ICRC @hrw @UNCERF @EmergencyRelief https://aje.io/qy5kys

10. An English translation of Tigray’s famine published on @Aftenposte describes the dire humanitarian conditions. Children are dying of starvation. The world must not turn away. #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @NorwayUN @USAmbUN @SecBlinken @StateDept https://emnetnegash.wordpress.com/2021/09/28/unique-pictures-show-the-conditions-in-the-peace-prize-laureates-country/

11. “Children die of starvation. The doctors who are trying to save them are fainting from food shortages.” When will the @UN Security Council take concrete steps to #StopTigrayFamine? UN ACT NOW. #TigrayGenocide @EstoniaUN @MexOnu @VietNam_UN @UKUN_NewYork https://emnetnegash.wordpress.com/2021/09/28/unique-pictures-show-the-conditions-in-the-peace-prize-laureates-country/

12. Doctors on empty stomachs at Ayder Hospital operate on patients daily. It has become common that at least one colleague faints each day from hunger. When will global leaders step in to help children & those caring for them? @WHO @UNICEF #StopTigrayFaminehttps://emnetnegash.wordpress.com/2021/09/28/unique-pictures-show-the-conditions-in-the-peace-prize-laureates-country/

13. Global leaders must do everything in their power to help end the siege in Tigray. This manufactured famine by Abiy Ahmed and Isaias Afwerki must be stopped. @UN ACT NOW! #StopTigrayFamine@KenyaMissionUN @AmbMKimani @UNReliefChief@IntlCrimCourt @WHOhttps://twitter.com/TghatMedia/status/1441852217703600129?s=20

14. Former prisoners estimated more than 3,000 prisoners in Mai Kadra (Tigray), some estimating the number closer to 8,000. At least 400 being children of all ages. This is inhumane! #TigrayGenocide must end. #StopTigrayFamine @IntlCrimCourt @SecBlinken https://www.salon.com/2021/09/25/eyewitness-accounts-video-confirm-reports-of-tigrayan-children-held-in-concentration-camp/

15. Overcrowding in internally displaced camps and lack of sanitation facilities has put the public’s health at greater risk in Tigray. The international community must help to #StopTigrayFamine before it spirals even further out of control. @WHO @USUN @hrw https://tghat.com/2021/09/22/weekly-briefing-millions-in-dire-need-of-food-medical-supplies-and-nutrition/

16. Tigrayans are being forced into uninhabitable concentration camps and denied food & medication. Civilians of all ages severely abused. Held by their captors until they pay a ransom. Ethiopia is committing a genocide. #StopTigrayFamine @StateDept @UN @hrw https://www.salon.com/2021/09/25/eyewitness-accounts-video-confirm-reports-of-tigrayan-children-held-in-concentration-camp/

#StopTigrayFamine Pt. 4

1. “Mostly the children cried,” former prisoners reported.Children are being held captive in concentration camps Many are unaccompanied, scared, sick and hungry.This is inhumane! Please help stop this.@UN @PalomaUnicef @unwomenchief #StopTigrayFaminehttps://www.salon.com/2021/09/25/eyewitness-accounts-video-confirm-reports-of-tigrayan-children-held-in-concentration-camp/

2. Children should never be subjected to weaponized starvation. If international leaders do not take action to #StopTigrayFamine, then they are complicit with @AbiyAhmedAli and Isaias Afwerki’s war crimes. #StopTigrayFamine @UN @UNICEF @_AfricanUnion https://twitter.com/yonigussie/status/1442605190792818694?s=21

3. Denying civilians food and aid, and destroying any means to survive is violence. Aid must stop being blocked. Telecommunications, internet & electricity must be restored. Reconnect Tigray! #StopTigrayFamine @StateDeptPM @KarimKhanQC @_AfricanUnion https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/world/silent-killing-starvation-stalks-ethiopia-s-tigray/ar-AAOJuHD

4. Concentration camps must be abolished. How can the @_AfricanUnion continue to fail Tigray? This council is just as guilty of Genocide as Abiy Ahmed & Isaias Afwerki. All must face consequences for #TigrayGenocide! @IntlCrimCourt @hrw #StopTigrayFamine https://twitter.com/jonhutson/status/1441795476123267075?s=21

5. Abiy Ahmed’s regime is using weaponized starvation to subjugate Tigray. Children are dying every day as a result of malnutrition. When will you use your power to #StopTigrayFamine? @antonioguterres @mbachelet @SamanthaJPower @IntlCrimCourt @UN https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1441445347432222723/video/1

6. Tigray is under a complete siege. Medication stocks have run out and families of patients have no option but to watch their loved ones die of preventable diseases. #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @USAIDAfrica @USAID @ICRC @hrw @UNCERF @UNDP https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/23/tigray-mothers-share-shocking-accounts-of-dire-famine-conditions

7. “Eighteen-month-old Haftom Hailay is too weak to cry. All the boy, weighing 3kg, can do is sigh in pain. His mother, malnourished herself, has no milk to breastfeed him.” @mbachelet @PalomaUnicef @UNReliefChief @WFPChief #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1441445347432222723/video/1

8. Tigray is in a critical situation. The IC has to start a coordinated effort to force #AbiyAhmed’s regime to allow unfettered access. @LindaT_G @unicefchief @SecBlinken @vonderleyen @mbachelet @PalomaUnicef #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide https://twitter.com/NickDyerFCDO/status/1442839225678929922/video/1

9. “The children (in prison) smelled bad because most had been beaten and injured. They beat us all when they captured us outside the warehouse. They beat everyone again as we entered.” #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @SecBlinken @IntlCrimCourt @UN https://bit.ly/3AP7TyE

10. A war by other means! @AbiyAhmedAli of ???????? has weaponized starvation. A cruel way of ensuring the #TigrayGenocide by blocking aid. Children & women are suffering the most. @Montecitorio & @luigidimaio MUST HELP by AIRDROPPING FOOD! #StopTigrayFamine https://bit.ly/3APBrMy

11. To stop the deadly blockade, the ICC MUST STOP FUNDING the genocidal govts of ???????? & ????????, enablers of the #TigrayGenocide. Millions will perish unless food is airdropped ASAP into the region. #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @EP_President @Roberto_Fico https://bit.ly/39GV9OC

12. For 11 months the Ethiopian govt & its allies have been carrying out #TigrayGenocide:• Man-made famine• Weaponized rape & massacres• Mass arrests• Hate speech & inciting violence@luigidimaio @EnricoLetta Airdrop food NOW!#StopTigrayFaminehttps://yhoo.it/3CUHCj2

13. A war by other means! @AbiyAhmedAli of ???????? has weaponized starvation. A cruel way of ensuring the #TigrayGenocide by blocking aid. Children & women are suffering the most. @Montecitorio & @luigidimaio MUST HELP by AIRDROPPING FOOD! #StopTigrayFamine https://bit.ly/3APBrMy

14. To stop the deadly blockade, the ICC MUST STOP FUNDING the genocidal govts of ???????? & ????????, enablers of the #TigrayGenocide. Millions will perish unless food is airdropped ASAP into the region. #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @EP_President @Roberto_Fico https://bit.ly/39GV9OC

15. Over 100k children are expected to die of hunger due to the ongoing blockade in Tigray imposed by @PMEthiopia. Children, mothers & infirm people are the victims of this man-made humanitarian disaster. #StopTigrayFamine @lauraboldrini @CharlesMichel @icao https://bit.ly/2XLc8g9

16. 6.8 million Tigrayans are facing unspeakable suffering as they are being deprived of access to life-saving aid. After 11 months of rape & massacre, mass starvation is now used to exterminate them. #StopTigrayFamine @tomastobe @lauraboldrini @UNOSAPG https://news.yahoo.com/report-150-starved-death-ethiopias-131358462.html

#StopTigrayFamine Pt. 5

1. This photo of a malnourished 10 year old was taken on 9/22/2021. The child is one of many children admitted to Ayder Hospital for malnutrition. In just a few weeks, they will be out of emergency food. Please help #StopTigrayFamine. @HouseForeign @hrw pic.twitter.com/xYZT23QVEn

2. Four year old Rahwa is being treated for severe malnutrition at Ayder Hospital. It is expected that there are hundreds of thousands of children across Tigray in the same condition. Please #StopTigrayFamine before it’s too late. @EU_Commission @EUCouncil pic.twitter.com/FMbHvX9zu7

3. Per @UNReliefChief, screening of children under 5 during the first half of Sep revealed that 22.7% are malnourished and more than 70% of some 11,000 pregnant /breastfeeding women are acutely malnourished. #StopTigrayFamine @JosepBorrellF @USAmbUN @POTUS https://tinyurl.com/4stjjmup

4. A health worker attends to a newborn baby, asphyxiated at birth, in the NICU at Mai Tsebri Primary Hospital. With aid still blocked, those most vulnerable are likely to become casualties of #TigrayGenocide. #StopTigrayFamine @PalomaUnicef @UNReliefChief pic.twitter.com/XKAG7GgPJh

5. Children are intentionally being starved in Tigray. It’s time for @UN appointed leaders to take action to end the siege and blockade in imposed by both Ethiopian & Eritrean regimes. #StopTigrayFamine @mbachelet @antonioguterres @JosepBorrellF  pic.twitter.com/37IhpynO4s

6. International leaders must not only condemn weaponized starvation, but follow with concrete action to #StopTigrayFamine. Innocent children do not deserve to starve to death. @PalomaUnicef @unwomenchief @unicefchief pic.twitter.com/iF8QC5vBn6

7. The @_AfricanUnion has failed Tigray tremendously. Women and children should never have to die under such horrific circumstances. @UN leaders have a chance to help #StopTigrayFamine before it’s too late. ACT NOW! @UNGeneva @UNReliefChief @UNICEF pic.twitter.com/XBH5E7Hh2p

8. A woman sits with her underweight 17 month old baby. The lone survivor of her triplets, the infant was admitted with complications stemming from severe acute malnutrition, including heart failure. #StopTigrayFamine It’s time for the @UN to act NOW. pic.twitter.com/5r6oE5FEYQ

9. The latest news from the #TigrayGenocide reveals satellite imagery & other evidence of detention of Tigrayan children in concentration camps where they’re abused & starved. @emanuelefiano @EnricoLetta @lauraboldrini ???????? must stop supporting the #Eth govt https://bit.ly/3oflDPN

10. Harassment of aid truck drivers at checkpoints & the lack of fuel have played a significant role in prolonging the catastrophic humanitarian conditions in Tigray. AIRDROP AID! #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @luigidimaio @lauraboldrini @emanuelefiano https://bbc.in/3uhtop6

11. The ICC must ACT NOW to save the lives of millions of people living under the existential threat of looming famine & countless massacres enabled by @AbiyAhmedAli. @ItalyMFA @MAZappia exert efforts to #StopTigrayFamine before it’s too late. #TigrayGenocide https://bit.ly/3zIFp8g

12. The Ethiopian govt is doing everything it can to starve Tigrayans:- impeding access to aid trucks & fuel- destroying bridges & blocking roads- harassing aid workers #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @JosepBorrellF @luigidimaio @MarinaSereni @MAZappia https://bit.ly/3unzX9J

13. Tigray has been deprived of BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS: food, medical, banking, electricity & telecom. People are now in dire need of aid assistance. The ????????|n & ????????|n govts are the authors of the #TigrayGenocide & MUST BE SANCTIONED! #StopTigrayFamine @ItalyMFA https://bit.ly/3kNKKXw

14. 6.8M people need emergency food aid 900k civilians are starving 90% of the harvest pillaged or burnt 80% of the livestock looted & slaughtered Food & Medicines need to be Air-Dropped NOW! #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @luigidimaio @WHOAFRO @ItalyMFA https://cnn.it/3AOSiyR

15. Early June, the @UN predicted over 350,000 people were suffering famine in Tigray. After nearly 4 more months, under even worse conditions and a SIEGE, hundreds of thousands of Tigrayans are perishing in a famine. #StopTigrayFamine #TigrayGenocide @WFP @StateDept @PowerUSAID

16. The Ethiopian govt has been using denial & blame games to run #WeaponizedStarvation on Tigray. The latest is “aid trucks not returning from Tigray” when the same govt prohibited those trucks from carrying fuel. @WFP @UN #TigrayGenocide #StopTigrayFamine https://tinyurl.com/4stjjmup

17. ENDF & Amhara forces, “locked up…hundreds of children…pregnant women, infants and toddlers ,…thousands of Tigrayan adults” to systematically starve them to death simply “because of their ethnicity.” #StopTigrayFamine #CallItAGenocide @DeputySecState https://www.salon.com/2021/09/25/eyewitness-accounts-video-confirm-reports-of-tigrayan-children-held-in-concentration-camp/

18. Hate speech against Tigrayans like Daniel Kibret’s have been the norm since AbiyAmhed rose to power & it has resulted in genocide. “They should be erased and disappeared from historical records.” #StopTigrayFamine #CallItAGenocide @HouseForeign @USUNSpox https://news.yahoo.com/us-blasts-dangerous-rhetoric-ally-190058880.html
