
1. TPS is a vital foreign policy tool demonstrating to the world that the US will not return people to conditions where their lives are at risk. @SecMayorkas & @SecBlinken, on #HumanRightsDay, designate TPS to ensure safety to those at risk. #Justice4Tigray https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60b79f3630f94f1039bd0125/t/610af43b0e40a35d46c8725c/1628107835347/Ethiopia+TPS+request_TPS+DED+AAC_August+4+2021+%286%29.pdf
2. TPS could protect up to 30K in the US from deportation to life-threatening conflict and famine in Ethiopia. This is exactly the kind of humanitarian protection TPS was meant for. @POTUS @SecMayorkas must act NOW. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ethiopias-tigray-conflict-deepens-ethnic-rifts/ar-AARBj4E
5. For more than a year, millions of Tigrayans have endured severe human rights violations, including SGBV. @UNHumanRights must conduct independent investigations of ALL atrocities. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @UNReliefChief @unwomenchief @UN_Women https://inews.co.uk/news/world/tigray-rape-crisis-workers-blockade-treat-survivors-1339254
6. Tens of thousands of women, girls, men and boys in Tigray have been subjected to weaponized sexual violence in Tigray. Rape has been used as a weapon of war. All survivors need justice and support. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @unwomenchief @UN_Women https://sites.tufts.edu/reinventingpeace/2021/08/10/what-rape-as-a-weapon-of-war-in-tigray-really-means/
7. In Tigray, over 6 million are in desperate need of food aid, nearly a million are in famine and millions more are on the brink. The @IntlCrimCourt must act to stop these human rights violations! #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @UNICEFCHIEF @trussliz @ministerBZ @GermanyDiplo
8. If “all human, all equal” is true, the world must affirm that Tigrayan lives matter by recognizing the state-sanctioned #TigrayGenocide. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @RepKarenBass @IlhanMN @KenyaMissionUN @Niger_ONU @PmTunisia @StateDept @USAmbUN https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/11/08/ethiopia-international-action-needed-prevent-atrocities
9. Temporary Protective Status (TPS) must be granted in response to any humanitarian rights crisis. The ongoing conflict in Ethiopia is over a year old with no end in sight. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @DHSgov @POTUS @SecMayorkas https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ethiopias-tigray-conflict-deepens-ethnic-rifts/ar-AARBj4E
10. “The lack of consequences for the crimes committed in Tigray has made it easier for warring parties to commit further atrocities”. When will #HumanRightsDay mean #Justice4Tigray? #CallItAGenocide @SecBlinken @StateDept @WHCOS @SenateForeign @HouseForeign https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/opinion/2021/12/8/how-international-bodies-can-help-prevent-more-Ethiopia-massacres
11. .@StateDept must urge @UN to conduct a special session & investigate the gut-wrenching reports of atrocities committed in Tigray. The sexual violence against women & children deserves more than “concern.” #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @POTUS @LindaT_G https://twitter.com/fifi_pols/status/1455315644145152005/video/1
12. “We saw women treated like animals, gang raped…in public…in front of their families; kept as sex slaves…and left for dead…The trauma is for the whole family, and the society at large.” #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @Ilhan @RepBera @RepKarenBass @VP https://inews.co.uk/news/world/tigray-rape-crisis-workers-blockade-treat-survivors-1339254
13. “We were 250 detainees. The Amhara forces take detainees every night and bring new ones. The ones they take never come back.” This is just one of countless testimonies of ethnic cleansing. @RepGregoryMeeks @SenSchumer #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray https://www.businessinsider.com/ethiopia-ethnic-tigrayans-put-into-concentration-camps-reports-say-2021-9
12. “They beat us every day, They harass and threaten to execute us.” In the year 2021, Ethiopia has resorted to mass arresting and using concentration camps on civilians solely due to their ethnicity! @Ilhan @RonWyden #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-they-just-vanished-tigrayans-disappear-for-months-in-secret-ethiopian/
1. Basic healthcare has become impossible in Tigray due to the govt siege on basic resources. Civilians are starving and dying of preventable illnesses. Rape victims are left untreated. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @CoryBooker @JeffMerkley @timkaine @UN https://theconversation.com/decades-of-progress-gone-in-one-year-tigrays-healthcare-system-has-been-destroyed-170406
2. Over 50 NGOs have called for a resolution & independent monitoring mechanism to halt & prevent pushbacks, human rights violations, & disregard for life at borders. @UN_HRC must uphold its mission & act now! #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @UNHumanRights https://www.refugeesinternational.org/reports/2021/6/23/human-rights-council-51-groups-urge-action-on-global-pattern-of-pushbacks-and-expulsions
5. “@UN_HRC, the world’s rights body, finally placed Ethiopia on its agenda in July, but its actions have not reflected the urgency of the ongoing crisis, which has left more than 7 mil ppl in need of humanitarian assistance.” #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/opinion/2021/12/8/how-international-bodies-can-help-prevent-more-Ethiopia-massacres
7. The crisis in Ethiopia is a “stain on our conscience,” the @UNReliefChief said, as children and others starve to death in the Tigray region under what the @UN has called a de facto government blockade of food, medical supplies and fuel. #HumanRightsDay https://apnews.com/article/africa-health-united-nations-only-on-ap-famine-a2b1639797c2a31973ce12985d82b865
8. The children of Tigray have been forced out of school and subjected to horrific physical and psychological harm because of the genocidal war. The @IntlCrimCourt & @UN must protect the lives of the children. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @unicefchief https://sites.tufts.edu/reinventingpeace/2021/08/10/what-rape-as-a-weapon-of-war-in-tigray-really-means/
9. In 2021, the world is witnessing people languishing in concentration camps because of their ethnicity. Leaders must demand the release of all Tigrayans unlawfully imprisoned. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @StateDept @WhiteHouse @JustinTrudeau https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/17/world/africa/ethiopia-tigrayan-detention.html
10. The crisis in Ethiopia is not only a threat there, but to Black immigrants that face deportation. President Biden, you must keep your promises of racial equity and a better future for Black immigrants. Grant TPS to save lives! #HumanRightsDay @POTUS https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/17/world/africa/ethiopia-tigrayan-detention.html
11. The US has warned Embassy staff in Ethiopia to leave due to the ongoing war, yet they plan to deport Black immigrants there. @SecMayorkas must designate TPS to ensure Ethiopians in the US aren’t forcibly returned. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @DHSgov https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60b79f3630f94f1039bd0125/t/610af43b0e40a35d46c8725c/1628107835347/Ethiopia+TPS+request_TPS+DED+AAC_August+4+2021+%286%29.pdf
12. “I saw my son with blood from his neck. I saw only his neck was bleeding. He was dead. I didn’t bury him,” she screams between sobs.” The @IntlCrimCourt must stop this suffering. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @ChrisVanHollen @paytonknopf @trussliz https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/ethiopia-grave-humanitarian-crisis-unfolding-never-saw-hell-before-now-have
1. Tigrayans have been facing killings, forceful removals/displacements, sexual assaults, and other extremely serious human rights violations and abuses by several parties. Stop the genocide now. @StateDept @UnderSecStateJ #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray https://www.state.gov/atrocities-in-ethiopias-tigray-region/
2. “Credible reports of indiscriminate shelling, extrajudicial killing, pillaging and sexual assaults slowly reached the outside world. Refugees shared harrowing stories of abuses committed by the EDNF and Amhara militias” #HumanRightsDay @HouseForeign @UN http://www.lawfareblog.com/ethiopias-tigray-conflict-alleged-atrocities-law-war-violations-and-regional-implications
3. “she and 5 other women were gang-raped by Eritrean soldiers. She said the troops joked and took photos as they injected her with a drug, tied her to a rock, stripped, stabbed & raped repeatedly her.” #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @UNOSAPG @ItalyMFA https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ethiopia-tigray-news-executions-rape-war-atrocities-genocide/
4. It’s clear that @AbiyAhmedAli has decided against peace. We ask that @UNHumanRights hold a special session to discuss atrocities in Tigray. This must be taken seriously! #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay @mbachelet @antonioguterres @FilippoGrandi @UN https://www.theafricareport.com/149787/ethiopias-abiy-from-peace-prize-to-frontline-fighter/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=post_articles_twitter_24_11_2021&utm_medium=social
5. The sexual violence during #TigrayGenocide is also perpetrated against men & boys & includes mutilation of reproductive and sexual organ parts. This is a genocide and must be labeled as such! #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay @StateDept @UNOSAPG @ArmeniaUN https://sites.tufts.edu/reinventingpeace/2021/08/10/what-rape-as-a-weapon-of-war-in-tigray-really-means/
6. Infrastructure destroyed, weaponized rape, and countless massacres in #TigrayGenocide. Tigrayans are now subjected to starvation. Int’l leaders must hold talks to stop Abiy Ahmed’s genocidal govt. #HumanRightsDay @MittRomney @senrobportman @RandPaul https://apnews.com/article/Counting-Ethiopias-War-Dead-Vignette-bf8a387633403e899289078ac9c943a0
7. “Testimony provides evidence of rapes occurring in victims’ homes in front of their families. They were dragged out and raped in public.” When will Int’l leaders seek out #Justice4Tigray? #HumanRightsDay @MichelleObama @FLOTUS @LindaT_G @Blklivesmatter https://sites.tufts.edu/reinventingpeace/2021/08/10/what-rape-as-a-weapon-of-war-in-tigray-really-means/
8. A government that weaponizes food and rape cannot be assigned with investigating its own crimes. It’s critical that a @UN session is held to discuss #Justice4Tigray, then action must follow. #HumanRightsDay @RauZbigniew @PolandMFA @MSZ_RP @DmytroKuleba https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/11/09/i-always-remember-day/access-services-survivors-gender-based-violence-ethiopias
9. Men stood in line to rape her, then handed her child to the next while the other would take his turn. She was raped continuously & could not breastfeed her baby. When will @UN_HRC & @unwomenchief provide #Justice4Tigray? #HumanRightsDay #AskBachelet https://sites.tufts.edu/reinventingpeace/2021/08/10/what-rape-as-a-weapon-of-war-in-tigray-really-means/
10. “Insecurity, deeply rooted social stigma, & the lack of functioning healthcare facilities mean that the actual number of cases of sexual violence far exceeds the no. reported.” How will @UN_HRC take measures to @endrapeinwar? #HumanRightsDay #AskBachelet https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/11/09/i-always-remember-day/access-services-survivors-gender-based-violence-ethiopias
11. Tigray has been cut off from telecom, banks, aid and electricity by the Ethiopian Govt. A violation of Int’l humanitarian law, yet the @UN has not stepped in to protect civilians. When will @UN_HRC provide #Justice4Tigray? #AskBachelet #HumanRightsDay https://inews.co.uk/news/world/tigray-rape-crisis-workers-blockade-treat-survivors-1339254
12. “Eritrean troops committed heinous killings in Axum with wanton disregard for civilian lives.” If the @UN has a responsibility to protect civilians, what stops them from taking action to end a genocide? #AskBachelet #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @UN_HRC https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/03/05/ethiopia-eritrean-forces-massacre-tigray-civilians
13. “Health facilities and health staff need to be protected during a conflict, in accordance with international humanitarian law. This is clearly not happening in Tigray.” #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @SecBlinken @YoungKimCA @WhiteHouse @HouseForeign https://www.msf.org/health-facilities-targeted-tigray-region-ethiopia
14. Ethiopian authorities have “unlawfully” blocked food & aid from entering Tigray. This is after months of committing massacres, burning farmland & looting food storages throughout the region. This must end now! @BernieSanders @MarkWarner #HumanRightsDay https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/11/08/ethiopia-international-action-needed-prevent-atrocities
5. Tigrayans across Ethiopia have been detained, tortured and killed. Their constitutional rights violated. Why do global appointed leaders remain hesitant to take action against @AbiyAhmedAli’s genocidal regime? #HumanRightsDay @luigidimaio @ItalyUN_NY https://www.ibtimes.com/far-ethiopia-war-front-mass-arrests-ensnare-fearful-tigrayans-3327199
6. The western????continues to express its concerns without taking action. The horrors of @AbiyAhmedAli’s genocidal campaign are raging on unabated. Tigray’s civilians are imprisoned, starved, tortured & executed. @ItalyUN_Vienna #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay https://apnews.com/article/africa-kenya-ethiopia-d70dec133d9529e69597d3292d8a142e
7. .@AbiyAhmedAli & his allies have committed countless crimes against humanity. Rape has been used as a weapon of war to inflict physical & psychological damage on Tigrayan women & girls. #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay @lauraboldrini @Pontifex @FAO https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/08/ethiopia-troops-and-militia-rape-abduct-women-and-girls-in-tigray-conflict-new-report/
8. Eritrean armed forces massacred scores of civilians, including children as young as 13, in the historic town of Axum. Today @AbiyAhmedAli continues to abduct Tigrayan priests & nuns with impunity. @UN_HRC @Pontifex_it #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/03/05/ethiopia-eritrean-forces-massacre-tigray-civilians
9. “Soldiers went house to house in Bora, and executed more than 160 people … the soldiers didn’t allow us to cry.” Tigrayans are being denied their right to live by genocidal @AbiyAhmedAli and his allies. We demand #Justice4Tigray. @BelgiumMFA @ArmeniaUN https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-03-19/ethiopia-tigray-war-massacre-bora
10. “The men were separated from the women..shortly afterward, the men were shot.” All war crimes committed in Tigray show the genocidal intent of @AbiyAhmedAli & his administration against Tigrayans. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @EP_President @EUCouncil https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/24/horrific-msf-witness-execution-of-at-least-four-men-in-tigray
11. An airstrike hit a busy market in Tigray, killing at least 51 people. Invading soldiers blocked medical teams from traveling to the scene. Eritrea & Ethiopia must be held accountable. #Justice4Tigray. #HumanRightsDay @UN_HRC @UNOSAPG @BelgiumUN https://apnews.com/article/ethiopoia-tigray-airstrike-togoga-424851651a0e02c21df71c86d9b70ec2
12. Witnesses saw dozens of bodies along the route as they fled their shops, homes and farms. Amhara Fano militia continue to commit ethnic cleansing in western Tigray. Where is #Justice4Tigray after a whole year? #HumanRightsDay @BelgiumUNGeneva @BelgiumMFA https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/09/world/africa/ethiopia-tigray-sudan.html
1. When will @AbiyAhmedAli face punishment for his execution of Tigrayans across Ethiopia? Why is the world silently watching as a genocide unfolds? The @UN must ACT NOW and provide #Justice4Tigray! #HumanRightsDay @HeikoMaas @GermanyDiplo @GermanyUN https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/08/18/ethiopia-ethnic-tigrayans-forcibly-disappeared
2. The lack of consequences for the crimes committed in Tigray has made it easier for warring parties to commit further atrocities. The world must officially recognize the #TigrayGenocide. #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay @ABaerbock @LinhartBMEIA @MFA_Austria https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/12/08/how-international-bodies-can-help-prevent-more-ethiopia-massacres
3. L’équipe de MSF a été autorisée à quitter les lieux mais a vu les corps des personnes tuées sur le bord de la route” Le gouvernement belge doit prendre action pour arrêter @AbiyAhmedAli. Quand allez-vous agir ? @Sophie_Wilmes @BelgiumMFA #Justice4Tigray https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/24/horrific-msf-witness-execution-of-at-least-four-men-in-tigray
4. ‘L’armée érythréenne continue de terroriser les habitants, de les affamer et de confisquer leurs animaux afin de se nourrir’.Les forces érythréennes à Irob doivent être tenues responsables de leurs actions! @franceoun @BelgiumUNGeneva #Justice4Tigray https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/4/tiny-ethnic-group-fears-extinction-as-tigray-war-enters-6th-month
5. “Not only have Tigrayan women and girls experienced horrific abuses, they are confronting shortages of food, medicine, and other desperately needed support to rebuild their lives.” #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay @unwomenchief @UN_Women @PalomaUnicef https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/11/09/ethiopia-blocking-tigray-aid-harms-rape-survivors
6. The government’s effective siege of Tigray is doubly victimizing survivors by denying them critical medical & mental health support. How many more brutal tragedies like this need to happen until the Int’l community acts?! @UN_Women @UN #Justice4Tigray https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/11/09/ethiopia-blocking-tigray-aid-harms-rape-survivors
7. Infrastructure destroyed, land theft, looting, countless massacres – the list of brutal atrocities continues. The @UN_HRC must conduct a true independent investigation. #Justice4Tigray #HumanRightsDay @DicarloRosemary @KenyaMissionUN @PmTunisia @MexOnu https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/opinion/2021/12/8/how-international-bodies-can-help-prevent-more-Ethiopia-massacres
8. “The men were separated from the women..shortly afterward, the men were shot.” All war crimes committed in Tigray show the genocidal intent of @AbiyAhmedAli & his administration against Tigrayans. #HumanRightsDay #Justice4Tigray @EP_President@EUCouncil https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/24/horrific-msf-witness-execution-of-at-least-four-men-in-tigray
9. For over a year, the people of Tigray have lived in fear and terror, leaving deep wounds that may never heal. We demand #Justice4Tigray! The @UN & EU must take this seriously. #HumanRightsDay @HeikoMaas @BaerbelKofler @OlafScholz @ABaerbock @JeppeKofod https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/24/horrific-msf-witness-execution-of-at-least-four-men-in-tigray
10. The Ethiopian Govt continues to demonize Tigrayan civilians with hate speech showcased on state-sponsored media. When will @AbiyAhmedAli be held accountable? We demand #JusticeForTigray! #HumanRightsDay @IntlCrimCourt @antonioguterres @JuttaUrpilainen https://www.channel4.com/news/tigray-conflict-the-testimonies-of-alleged-war-crimes
11. The world has failed to protect women in Tigray from the most horrific atrocities. Those responsible for the rapes, tortures + killings must be held accountable! #JusticeForTigray #HumanRightsDay @UNHumanRights @UNHCRUK @UNHumanRightsEU @unwomenchief https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/jun/19/dont-betray-women-of-tigray-calls-grow-for-international-action-against-rape-in-war
12. What will it take for leaders to take action instead of just voicing concerns on Tigray? Concerns are not saving lives. A special session must be held to discuss next steps to get #Justice4Tigray! #HumanRightsDay @antonioguterres @vonderleyen @StateDept https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/26/ethiopia-genocide-warning-signs-abiy-ahmed